Friday, January 29, 2010

Case in Point

"Economy soars at fastest rate in six years" - MSNBC 01/29/2010

Well folks I am hear to tell you, that in my little corner of the world, that statement is FALSE. My personal economy (what I mean by that is my budget) is not soaring, in fact, it is doing just the opposite, it is shrinking. And for the people I know and surround myself with, their family economies are also shrinking.

So, lets look at what they speak about and where they get their facts from, because I am sorry, I hear that headline, and it makes me vomit in my mouth! The article states "U.S. economy grew at faster-than-expected 5.7% pace in the fourth quarter, government report shows." They also have a place for you to vote, and when I last checked 71% of the people do not feel like the recovery has begun, with 24.5% agreeing, and 4.5% not sure. How can you be 'not sure?' Are you not paying attention to your financial situation? Can you not take a position one way or the other? Get off the fence America! Make a choice, chose a side, stand up for what you believe in!

So who do they quote in the article? For one they quote Jack Ablin from Chicago IL, he is the CIO of Harris Private Bank in Chicago. Really, Chicago, hmmm interesting. A place where the mob, back handed politics and union thugs run rampant.

They also quoted from the Institute for Supply Management, from you guessed it, Chicago. Where they stated "its business barometer rose to 61.5 in January, the highest in four years, from 58.7 in December." Really? The highest in 4 years, are they even living in America? What a load of trash that is.

The article also states that the GDP is having strong growth, must be all those "green jobs" the white house created!? If you don't know the GDP is it is our Gross Domestic Product and it measures the value of all goods and services produced within the United States. This report is put out by the Department of Commerce. This is the same department that puts out the unemployment percentage rates. If you go to their site, it states that civilian jobless rates are at its lowest in more than a year. It claims that in December only 1,000 job positions were created. So I ask you, how can our GDP be at the highest rate if our unemployment is at the lowest it has been all year? Does the Department of Commerce even know what it is reporting on?

It is funny how this article references survey's and polls about increasing spending, recovery and business investing, yet the survey they have attached to this article shows that 71% of people don't feel like the recovery is happening. I wonder if the people at MSNBC even look at the vote results, and if they do, do they even care? We the people are speaking, you should listen to us!

I look up to...

Yes, I know, I will now be branded as a radical, as a right wing nut job, as a sick and twisted freak (to quote Glenn Beck), but guess what, it doesn't bother me, because I know what I believe is to be true, and American.

The whole saying 'I am rubber and your glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!' I actually prefer to quote Sheldon Cooper's version: "I'm polymerized tree sap and you're an inorganic adhesive, so whatever verbal projectile you launch in my direction is reflected off of me, returns to its original trajectory and adheres to you." BBT Season 1, Episode 13 (the Bat Jar Conjecture)

Here is a list of people I look up to:
1. God
2. My Parents
3. My Husband
4. My Siblings
5. My Friends
6. Rush Limbaugh
7. Glenn Beck
8. Mark Levin
9. Sean Hannity
10. Michael Savage

This is where it starts, the projectiles are just zinging towards me now, but guess what, I can duck, can you? In todays society, we must learn to duck, we must learn to have hard shells, we must learn the truth, speak the truth and stick to the truth because if we don't, America as we know it will disappear.

The truth is hard to find, especially if the media knows how to spin it. Allow me to give you an example. If you read or hear that there is 25% approval rating for lets say, hmmm I don't know, how about Health Care, well, you need to step back and think for a second, there can only be 100% of anything, so the flip side is that 75% of people don't agree with it. This could be said for any topic. The media will only tell you what they want to, they hide the important information.

As an American, it is your job to not take their word for it, don't just listen and blindly follow, that is exactly what put us in this problem in the first place!

Now I know some people ask you to give 110% of yourself, but the fact is, that is just not possible, or logical. I know it is just a saying I realize that, and I know it is used to help motivate us, and instill a sense of ownership and pride, but if you were raised correctly, and you were taught right from wrong, and good from bad, and respect, humility and values, then you know that 100% is the best you can do, and you don't need someone telling you to give 110%, because you already do that. You already are the hardest working person, the best employee, the proudest American, you are already at 100%!

Remember in school, when you would read a paragraph and have to comprehend what the topic or subject was about, well that is where we need to be today, we need to listen and comprehend, research, study and come up with your own ideas. I urge you to expand your knowledge base, speak your mind, and follow your beliefs. Stand tall, walk straight, speak the truth!

Let's start at the beginning shall we?

This is my first blog, and to be honest, I'm not too sure how this is going to turn out, but I figure this will help me get everything off my chest, and then maybe, just maybe I will be able to sleep. There are so many things going on today, that I just can't keep all my thoughts to myself anymore.

I will start by saying, first off, I am not the best speller. Anyone who knows me knows this, and thank goodness for spell check. Secondly, my sentence structure will be just as bad, stay with me though, it might be a rough wild ride at first. Lastly, I promise to be as honest as I possibly can, I know that sometimes the truth hurts, and I can't promise to be nice, or politically correct, or even civil, but I can promise that I will speak from the heart, and let you in to a little sliver of my world.

You might be wondering why "Pants on Fire." We all know, growing up the saying: 'Liar, Liar, Pants of Fire' and this is where I got my idea for my blog. I am fed up with people's lies and misrepresentations, and with this site, I am going to call them out, and ask for answers. Do I think I will get them ~ no, do I wish I would get them ~ yes! Where would America and American's be if we didn't ask the hard questions, and want the honest answers?

With all this being said, I hope you enjoy this. If you do, thank you for reading, and if you don't, sorry but I really don't care.